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  • The Shocking Reason Why Your Influencer Marketing is Failing (and How to Fix It)

The Shocking Reason Why Your Influencer Marketing is Failing (and How to Fix It)

10% Better by blimpp - May 10, 2024


Hope you find this edition on influencer marketing useful.

It covers 1x visual model to finding influencers that “fit” with your brand, 1x mental model on the underlying reason why influencer marketing is so effective (teaser: source credibility theory), and 1x deep-dive on which drives more impact in eCommerce: influencer testimonials vs. customer reviews.

Let’s get 10% smarter.

📝 Intro 

Imagine you're browsing online for a new luxury skincare cream. You see some customer reviews, but you're not quite sure if you can trust them. Then, you come across an endorsement from a beauty influencer you follow and respect. Suddenly, you're much more interested and just about convinced to make the purchase.

If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. A recent study found that when it comes to high-end products, influencer endorsements can be much more effective than customer reviews in driving sales.

In this post, we'll dive into the research to understand why influencers hold so much sway, the role of trust in online purchasing decisions, and what this means for your beauty brand's marketing strategy.

📈 Recommendation 

For luxury or premium beauty products, partner with trusted influencers in your niche to endorse your products and drive up purchase intent. Build trust with your audience through authentic influencer partnerships, user-generated content, and other trust-building tactics alongside customer reviews.

🎓 Findings

  • Influencer endorsements significantly increased purchase intention for a luxury product (smartphone), while customer reviews did not have a significant impact.

  • 41% of marketers find influencer campaigns more effective than traditional advertising.

  • Trust is the key component  - people are more influenced by influencers they perceive as opinion leaders and have a close connection with.

  • The type of product matters - influencers may be more impactful for experiential, hedonic purchases compared to functional products.

🧠 Why it works

  • Influencers build trust and connection with their audience, and that trust extends to the products they endorse.

  • For luxury items, people may not find customer reviews informative or credible enough, and lean more on cues from respected tastemakers.

  • The perceived close relationship between influencers and their followers amplifies their impact compared to an unknown reviewer.


  • Study focused on smartphone purchases, so actual results across eCom verticals may vary.

  • Participants were university students in Indonesia, which may not represent all consumers.

Steps to implement

  1. Identify trusted influencers in the beauty space who align with your brand values and aesthetic.

  2. Develop authentic partnerships with clear terms, content guidelines, and performance metrics.

  3. Integrate influencer content across touchpoints to build brand trust and offer social proof.

  4. Track the impact of influencer partnerships on key metrics like engagement, web traffic, and sales.

Influencer-brand fit is non-negotiable. It’s the #1 reason influencer marketing campaigns fail in most instances.

But nail these four elements, and you're on your way to influencer marketing nirvana. Miss the mark, and you're in for a world of pain. Choose wisely.

Audience Alignment

You’re a skincare marketer with a multi-million dollar marketing budget. You think you're doing the smart thing, partnering with that mega-influencer with millions of followers. 

Except, their audience is more interested in memes than minerals.

This is the cardinal sin of influencer marketing: misaligned audience targeting. You're supposed to collaborate with influencers whose followers mirror your ideal customer, not just chase vanity metrics.

Instead, dig deeper. Look for engagement rates, audience demographics, and past performance in your vertical. Does their audience overlap with your target market? Bingo.

Brand Values Alignment

You’re the CMO of a historic footwear brand, founded in the 1800s. You partner with an influencer, thinking their edgy style will give your brand some much needed street “cred”. Except, their off-brand antics end up sparking a PR firestorm.

This is the risk of neglecting brand values alignment. You're supposed to vet influencers for shared values and brand-fit, not just chase clout.

Seek out influencers who authentically embody your brand ethos. Do they champion causes that resonate with your mission? Are their past collaborations on-brand? If so, you may have a winner.

Content Quality & Style

You're excited to see your product featured in an influencer's post. Except, the low-effort caption and blurry photo make you want to hide under a rock.

You're supposed to collaborate with influencers who create compelling, on-brand content, not just any old schlock.

Look for influencers with a strong aesthetic and engagement-driving style. Do their posts stop you in your scroll? Do they mesh seamlessly with your brand? Then you're on the right track.

Dependability & Professionalism

You're counting on that influencer post to go live on launch day. You’ve got a lot riding on it - most of your other marketing activations are reliant on the traffic bomb that is surely gonna follow. Except, crickets. The influencer's gone MIA. You’ve been left high and dry.

This is the ultimate nightmare scenario of working with unprofessional, unreliable influencers. You're supposed to partner with people who treat your collab like a binding commitment, not a casual fling.

Vet influencers for their track record of dependability. Do they have a history of successful brand partnerships? Do past collaborators sing their praises? If so, lock it down.

Steal These Formulas: Influencer Scripts

1. The Product Spotlight Formula

Excited to share my latest find: {product name} from {brand}! As a {relevant expertise}, I'm impressed by {key feature 1}, {key feature 2}, and {key feature 3}. It's perfect for {specific use case} and has quickly become a staple in my {daily routine/workflow/beauty regimen}...

Excited to share my latest find: the Acme Wireless Keyboard from @AcmeTech! As a professional writer, I'm impressed by its ergonomic design, responsive keys, and long battery life. It's perfect for long writing sessions and has quickly become a staple in my daily workflow…

It works because: By sharing their personal experience and explaining why the product has become a staple in their routine, the influencer provides valuable context and credibility, making their endorsement more compelling.

2. The Problem-Solution Formula

Struggling with {common pain point}? I've been there! That's why I'm thrilled to partner with {brand} and share my experience with {product name}. It's been solved {problem} for me because {specific benefit 1}, {specific benefit 2}, and {specific benefit 3}. If you're looking for a solution to {pain point}, definitely give {product name} a try…

Struggling with dry, dull skin? I've been there! That's why I'm thrilled to partner with @GlowSkincare and share my experience with their Hydrating Serum. It's solved my uneven complexion because it deeply hydrates, evens out my skin tone, and leaves my face looking plump and radiant. If you're looking for a solution to lackluster skin, definitely give @GlowSkincare's Hydrating Serum a try…

It works because: By sharing their own struggle with a common problem and how the product has helped them overcome it, the influencer creates a sense of empathy and relatability, particularly with followers facing similar challenges.

3. The Social Proof Formula

I never thought I'd {achieve desired result}, but then I discovered {product name} from {brand}. Turns out, I'm not alone – {impressive stat} of {target audience} have had amazing results with it too! It's all thanks to {key differentiator 1}, {key differentiator 2}, and {key differentiator 3}...

I never thought I'd find a plant-based protein powder that actually tastes good, but then I discovered VegaPro from @HealthyLife. Turns out, I'm not alone – 95% of athletes who've tried it have reported better recovery and performance! It's all thanks to its complete amino acid profile, easy digestibility, and delicious flavors…

It works because: It combines the influencer's personal endorsement with powerful social proof. By highlighting impressive statistics or widespread popularity among a target audience, the influencer creates an enhanced sense of trust.

4. The Lifestyle Alignment Formula 

As a {target audience}, {shared value} is incredibly important to me. That's why I'm excited to collaborate with {brand}, a company that {value-driven action 1}, {value-driven action 2}, and {value-driven action 3}. Their {product name} is the perfect embodiment of these values – it's {value-aligned attribute 1}, {value-aligned attribute 2}, and {value-aligned attribute 3}. If you're looking to {desired outcome}, {product name} is a must-try…

As an eco-conscious fashionista, sustainability is incredibly important to me. That's why I'm excited to collaborate with @GreenChic, a company that uses recycled materials, minimizes waste, and partners with fair trade artisans. Their Organic Cotton Sundress is the perfect embodiment of these values – it's ethically made, ultra-comfortable, and effortlessly stylish. If you're looking to curate a more sustainable wardrobe, @GreenChic's sundress is a must-try…

It works because: By highlighting the brand's value-driven actions and how the product embodies those values, the influencer creates a deeper, more meaningful connection with their followers. This shared values approach positions the product as more than just a commodity, but rather a reflection of a conscious, purposeful lifestyle.

Imagine you're at a dinner party, and the topic of discussion turns to quantum physics. Two people offer their insights: a renowned physicist and your next-door neighbour who works as an accountant. Whose opinion would you trust more? 

Chances are, you'd be more inclined to believe the physicist due to their expertise and credibility on the subject matter. This is the essence of source credibility theory – the idea that the perceived trustworthiness and expertise of a source significantly influence the persuasiveness of their message.

Let's dive into the seven types of source credibility and how they apply to ecommerce. This is where the rubber meets the road, folks. 

  1. Expertise

You want influencers who know their stuff inside and out. We're talking about the ones who can rattle off product specs like they're reciting the alphabet. 

For example, let's say you're selling high-end camera gear. You want an influencer who can wax poetic about aperture, shutter speed, and ISO like they're discussing the weather. That's the kind of expertise that'll make potential customers sit up and take notice.

Partner with influencers who live and breathe your product niche. Don’t settle for influencers who can't tell your product from a hole in the ground.

  1. Trustworthiness

Authenticity is the name of the game here. Even if that means admitting when a product isn't all sunshine and rainbows. 

Instead of just gushing about how it's the best thing since sliced bread, work with influencers with a track record of giving an honest rundown of the pros and cons. That's the kind of transparency that builds trust.

Give influencers the green light to be honest and upfront.

  1. Attractiveness 

Sure, a pretty face doesn't hurt. But in the eCommerce, attractiveness goes beyond just good looks. It's about the overall vibe and aesthetic of an influencer's content. 

Let's say you're promoting a bohemian fashion brand. An influencer with a feed that's all flowy dresses, sun-drenched fields, and dreamy flat lays? That's the kind of attractiveness that'll make your products shine.

Look for influencers whose content style meshes with your brand.

  1. Similarity

People trust people who are like them. It's just human nature. So when you're picking influencers, look for ones who are cut from the same cloth as your target audience. 

For example, if you're selling skateboards, you want an influencer who lives and breathes the skate lifestyle. Someone who can connect with your audience over shared experiences and values.

Don't try to force a square peg into a round hole by partnering with influencers who don't align with your audience.

  1. Familiarity

The saying goes that familiarity breeds trust. The more an influencer interacts with their followers, the more those followers feel like they know and understand them. 

Think about an influencer who's always responding to comments, sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses, and making their followers feel like part of the family. That's the kind of familiarity that translates into serious trust and loyalty.

Prioritize influencers who have a track record of building strong, engaged communities.

  1. Popularity

There's no denying that follower count matters. But t's not the be-all and end-all. 

Sometimes, a niche influencer with a smaller but fiercely dedicated following can move the needle more than a mega-influencer with a broad, less engaged audience. It's all about finding that sweet spot between reach and relevance.

Consider a mix of influencer tiers based on your goals and target audience.

  1. Association

You are the company you keep, as the saying goes. And that holds true for influencers, too. 

When an influencer has a history of working with reputable brands and creating top-notch sponsored content, that lends a certain level of credibility to your brand by association.

Vet an influencer's past partnerships and collaborations to get a sense of their reputation.

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